The Adventure of the Acute Triangle and Square

Once upon a time, in a small central village, there lived a group of friends who loved to play with shapes. One day, they found an acute triangle and wanted to see if they could make anything interesting out of it. They placed the triangle adjacent to a square and saw that it formed a composite shape.
As they continued to play, they discovered that by alternating the shapes, they could make a concave figure. They were amazed to find out that all the vertices of their figures were collinear and coincident.
From that day forward, the friends were on a mission to create as many unique composite shapes as possible with their acute triangle and square. They had so much fun exploring the world of shapes and learning about acute angles, adjacent sides, alternate patterns and more.
The end.


  1. What was the first shape the friends found?
  2. What did they see when they placed the triangle adjacent to the square?
  3. What was their goal after discovering the composite shape?
  4. What did the friends learn about angles and sides?
  5. Can you think of another shape that could be used in this story?

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