The Shapely Adventurers: Irregular, Linear, Oblique, and Obtuse.

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived four friends: Irregular, Linear, Oblique, and Obtuse. They lived in a world where everything was made up of shapes and lines. Irregular was a shape that was never the same and always changing, Linear was a straight line, Oblique was a slanted line, and Obtuse was a line that was wider than a right angle.

One day, the friends decided to go on an adventure to find the missing pieces of the kingdom's treasure map. They travelled through forests and crossed rivers, encountering many obstacles along the way. However, they soon realized that they needed each other's unique abilities to solve the puzzles and find the missing pieces.

Irregular used its ability to change shape to fit through small holes and crawl through tight spaces, Linear used its straightness to measure distances, Oblique used its slant to balance on narrow ledges, and Obtuse used its wide angle to see around corners.

Together, the friends overcome every obstacle and finally found all the missing pieces of the treasure map. They were greeted with a room filled with gold and jewels. The friends learned that true wealth is not what you have but the relationships and memories you make along the way.

From then on, Irregular, Linear, Oblique, and Obtuse continued to have many adventures, always working together and making new memories.


  1. What are the unique abilities of each of the four friends?
  2. How did the friends use their abilities to solve the puzzles and find the missing pieces of the treasure map?
  3. What did the friends learn about true wealth at the end of the story?
  4. Can you think of any other shapes that could have gone on this adventure with Irregular, Linear, Oblique, and Obtuse?

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