Parallel and Perpendicular: The Unexpected Friends

Once upon a time, there were two lines, one parallel and one perpendicular to each other. The parallel line was regularly spaced and always went straight, never deviating from its path. The perpendicular line was always at a right angle and was similar in length to the parallel line. They lived in a world where everything was vertical, with lines and shapes stacked on top of each other. However, despite their differences, the parallel and perpendicular lines became the best of friends and worked together to create beautiful designs and patterns. The end.


  1. What made the parallel and perpendicular lines become friends?
  2. How did they work together to create designs?
  3. Why did everything in their world have to be vertical?
  4. How do you think the story would have been different if the parallel line wasn't regularly spaced?
  5. What other shapes or lines do you think they could have worked with?

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