The Grand Musical Competition of the Kingdom

Once upon a time there lived a musical kingdom where all creatures played musical instruments. One day, the King declared a grand musical competition. The winner would be crowned the best musician in the kingdom.

The first creature to perform was a turtle who played a slow and steady adagio on his viola, making everyone feel calm. Next, a rabbit played an allegro on the piano, filling the room with fast and energetic beats.

A deer came up and played an andante on the flute, creating a gentle and soothing melody. A squirrel followed, playing an animato on the violin, bringing excitement to the audience.

An owl played an espressivo on the harp, expressing his emotions through music. A lion roared a grandioso on the trumpet, making the castle walls shake. Finally, a bat played a grave on the cello, giving a serious and weighty performance.

The judges declared the bat as the winner, but all creatures received applause for their fantastic performance. They all played together in harmony, creating a beautiful largo. From that day on, they all lived happily ever after, making music together every day.


  1. Who was crowned the best musician in the kingdom?
  2. What musical terms were used to describe the creatures' playing styles?
  3. How did the judges choose the winner of the musical competition?
  4. How did the creatures play together in harmony at the end?
  5. Can you think of a musical instrument you would like to play and why?

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