The Vibrant Transformation

Once upon a time, there was a sleek and sunny city filled with vibrant and vivid buildings. But one day, a wan and weathered old building woke up feeling worn and tired. It wanted to be just as colorful and lively as the other buildings in the city. So, it decided to take a walk and see what it could find to brighten itself up.
As it wandered, it came across a small park filled with flowers of every color. The old building was so inspired by their beauty that it decided to paint itself with all the colors of the flowers. When it was finished, it was the most beautiful and vibrant building in the city! All the other buildings were amazed and the old building was no longer wan or worn, but instead it was happy and full of life.
The end.


1) Why did the old building feel tired and worn?
2) What inspired the old building to change?
3) What happened to the old building after it painted itself with all the colors of the flowers?
4) How do you think the old building felt about itself at the end of the story?

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