The Magic Lantern: Bringing Color Back to the Sky

Once upon a time, there was a glowing light in the sky. It was so radiant and shiny that everyone in the village stopped to look at it. But then, something strange happened. The glowing light became pale and pallid and started to fade away. The villagers were sad because they loved the bright light.

Suddenly, a matte object appeared in the sky. It was so muted and dull that no one paid much attention to it. But as it got closer, the villagers realized that it was actually a magical lantern. It had the power to bring color back to the sky and make everything bright and shiny again.

The villagers were amazed and they all cheered as the lantern spread its glowing light across the sky. From that day on, the sky was always bright and colorful, and the villagers were never sad again. The end.


  1. Why did the villagers stop to look at the glowing light in the sky?

  2. What caused the glowing light to become pale and pallid?

  3. How did the matte object bring color back to the sky?

  4. What was the villagers' reaction to the magical lantern?

  5. Why was the sky always bright and colorful after the lantern appeared?

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