Gracie and the Jolly Penguin: A Lively Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a glum little girl named Gracie. She was always sad and never smiled. One day, she stumbled upon a magical fairy who granted her wish to make her happy. The fairy waved her wand and suddenly Gracie felt joyous. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. Gracie was so happy that she started skipping down the road, singing a jolly tune.

As she walked, she came across an icy pond. Gracie was afraid of slipping on the ice, but then she met a jovial penguin who offered to help her cross the pond. Gracie gratefully accepted the penguin's kind offer, and they safely made it to the other side.

The penguin and Gracie became friends, and they went on many lively adventures together. They explored the forest, climbed mountains, and swam in the river. Gracie was no longer glum, she was now happy and full of life.

One day, they encountered a livid bear who was angry because someone had taken his honey. Gracie, being a kind and considerate girl, offered to help the bear find his honey. With her new friend the penguin, they searched high and low until they found the missing honey. The bear was overjoyed and thanked Gracie and the penguin for their help.

From that day on, Gracie was never glum again. She was always happy and lively, and she had made many new friends along the way. The end.


  1. Why was Gracie feeling glum at the start of the story?
  2. How did Gracie feel after the fairy granted her wish to be happy?
  3. Who helped Gracie cross the icy pond?
  4. What did Gracie and the penguin do on their adventures together?
  5. Why was the bear livid in the story?
  6. How did Gracie help the bear find his missing honey?
  7. How did Gracie feel at the end of the story compared to the beginning?

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