Once upon a time, in a magical land of machines and robots, there lived a young robot named Robo. Robo was special because he had a heart made of a condenser, which gave him the power to love and care for all. One day, while wandering in the forest, he came across a broken converter who was unable to convert energy into useful work. Robo, being the kind robot he was, offered to help the converter.
Together they went to see the wise old crankshaft who lived in the mountains. The crankshaft listened to their problem and suggested they visit the wizard of the cylinder who lived in a far-off land.
The journey was long and tiring, but finally, they reached the wizard's castle. The wizard cast a spell on the converter and it started working again, converting energy into useful work. Robo was overjoyed to see the converter back to its normal self.
As a reward for their bravery and kindness, the wizard presented Robo with a shiny new cylinder that would make his heart beat even stronger.
And so, Robo and the converter returned home, spreading joy and happiness wherever they went.
The End.
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