The Bazaar Adventure: A Story of Balance and Bargains

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who loved shopping at the bazaar. She had a special account just for shopping and always kept track of her balance. One day, she found the perfect boutique with a charming little booth selling unique boxes. She struck a bargain with the seller and bought a beautiful box for her collection. As she was walking back to her home, she noticed that her bag felt heavier than usual. To her surprise, she found a small pouch filled with gold coins at the bottom of her bag! She was so happy she could hardly contain herself. She ran back to the booth and thanked the seller for his generosity. From then on, she visited the bazaar every week and made many new friends, always making sure to keep her account balance in check.


  1. What did Sarah buy at the bazaar?
  2. How did she keep track of her money while shopping?
  3. What was inside the pouch she found in her bag?
  4. Why did Sarah go back to the booth after leaving the bazaar?
  5. Who did Sarah make friends with at the bazaar?

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