The Adventures of Timmy: A Check & Credit Tale

Once upon a time, there was a chain of stores called "Check & Credit". The store offered customers discounts when they used their debit or credit cards.
One day, a customer named Timmy wanted to find a toy in the directory of the store. However, he couldn't find it anywhere. So, he went to the customer service department for help.
The friendly employee at the department helped Timmy find the toy, and even gave him an extra discount for using his debit card! Timmy was so happy with the service that he told all of his friends about Check & Credit.
From that day on, Check & Credit became the most popular store in the town, and everyone wanted to be a customer.
The end.


  1. Why did Timmy go to the customer service department?
  2. What was the special offer Timmy received from the store?
  3. How do you think Timmy felt when he received the discount?
  4. Why did Check & Credit become popular in town?
  5. Can you think of a situation where you received exceptional customer service?

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