The Magic of Herbs Garden

Once upon a time, there was a magical garden filled with amazing herbs like rosemary, sage, salt, sesame, soda, sugar, tarragon, thyme, and turmeric. Each herb had its own special powers, and the garden was guarded by a wise old owl named Owly.

One day, a young girl named Lily stumbled upon the garden and was amazed by all the herbs. Owly took her under his wing and showed her how each herb could be used in cooking to make delicious meals.

Lily learned how to mix rosemary and thyme to make a tasty roast chicken, how to sprinkle salt and turmeric on potatoes for a spicy side dish, and how to add sesame seeds to a salad for crunch.

But the best discovery of all was when Owly taught her how to make a magical soda using sugar, soda, and tarragon. The soda was so delicious that it could make anyone happy, no matter how sad they were feeling.

Lily was so grateful to Owly for teaching her all these secret recipes, and she promised to always use the herbs in the garden to make yummy and healthy meals. And every time she drank the magical soda, she remembered her friends in the garden and felt happy all over again.

The end.


  1. What is the name of the young girl in the story?
  2. What kind of animal is Owly?
  3. What are the special powers of each herb in the garden?
  4. What is the recipe for the magical soda?
  5. Why did Lily promise to always use the herbs in the garden to make meals?

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