Geometry to the Rescue: A Flight of Terror Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved to play video games. One day, he stumbled upon a new game called "Flight of Terror". The game required the player to fly a plane through dangerous obstacles while trying to avoid enemy fire. The game had a unique feature - a Geometry-based Head-Up Display (HUD) that showed the player's progress in real-time.

As the boy started playing, he quickly realized that this was no ordinary game. The enemies started shooting at him with guns and throwing grenades. The boy was horrified but kept playing, determined to beat the game. However, he soon encountered a problem - the game started to lag. The boy was stuck in mid-air as the enemies closed in on him.

Just when all hope seemed lost, the boy remembered something he had learned in geometry class. He used his knowledge of geometry to outmaneuver the enemies and successfully dodge their attacks. With this newfound power, the boy defeated all of his enemies and completed the game.

He was so proud of himself that he couldn't wait to share his success with his friends. From that day on, the boy was known as the master of "Flight of Terror".


1) What game did the boy play in the story?
2) How did the boy use his knowledge of geometry to defeat his enemies?
3) What was the real-time progress of the player shown on?
4) Why was the boy determined to complete the game?
5) Who was the boy known as after completing the game?

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