Benny the Adventurer: Jumping, Swimming, and Dancing Through the Forest

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Benny. Benny loved to jump and hop all around the forest. He would jump over rocks and logs and even jump up to grab the tastiest carrots.
One day, Benny decided he wanted to learn how to swim so he could play in the nearby pond with his friends. So, he practiced and practiced until he became a great swimmer.
When he wasn't swimming, Benny loved to read books, write stories, and draw pictures. He also enjoyed to take long walks and sit and relax under the shade of a tree.
But Benny's favorite thing to do was dance. He would dance under the stars at night and invite all of his friends to join in.
After a long day of playing and learning new things, Benny would lay his head down on a soft bed of grass and fall asleep, dreaming of all the adventures he would have tomorrow.
The end.


  1. What was Benny's favorite activity in the forest?
  2. How did Benny learn to swim?
  3. What did Benny like to do when he wasn't swimming?
  4. What was Benny's favorite thing to do at night?
  5. How did Benny go to sleep after a long day?

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