Captain Jack and the Precious Cargo

Once upon a time, there was a ship with a commander named Captain Jack. He was in charge of the ship and all its crew. The ship had many compartments and one day, the director of the commission asked Captain Jack to cover a precious cargo into one of the compartments.

Captain Jack assigned his trusty crew to the task, but when they tried to put the cargo on a davit, it wouldn't fit. They tried everything, but the cargo was just too big. Just then, a deadhead appeared on the deck. It was a log floating in the water, just the right size to hold the precious cargo.

The crew quickly tied up the cargo to the deadhead and lowered it into the compartment. The director of the commission was so happy with the solution that he gave Captain Jack and his crew a big reward. From that day forward, Captain Jack and his crew were known as the clever problem solvers of the seas. The End.


  1. Who was in charge of the ship?
  2. What was the problem with the precious cargo?
  3. What did Captain Jack and his crew use to solve the problem?
  4. How did the director of the commission react to the solution?
  5. What was the reward for Captain Jack and his crew?

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