Once upon a time, there was a brave and adventurous lad named Jack who dreamed of discovering new lands. He set sail on his ship with a team of experienced sailors, but also a landlubber who had never been to sea before.
As they sailed towards their landfall, the leadsman called out the depths and the navigator plotted their course using latitude and longitude.
One day, while exploring an uncharted island, Jack found himself in a tight knot at the top of a tall ladder leading to a treasure chest.
He tried to climb down, but the ladder was too slippery, so he tied a lanyard around his waist and yelled for help.
His trusty crew came to his rescue and helped him safely back down to the ground. They then opened the chest to find it filled with gold and jewels beyond their wildest dreams!
From that day on, Jack and his crew continued to explore and discover new lands, always ready for adventure and always tying a knot in their lanyards before climbing any tall ladders.
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