Once upon a time, there was a pilot named Peter who lived in a small village near a quay. He loved to fly his plane and explore new places. One day, while flying over a mountain range, his radar showed a pile of shiny objects on the ground.
Excited to see what it was, Peter landed his plane and walked towards the pile. To his surprise, it was a rack of gold coins! He quickly collected as many as he could carry, and flew back to the village.
He shared his discovery with the villagers and they were amazed. They wanted to know how he found the gold and Peter told them about his radar. From that day on, Peter became known as the richest pilot in the village and held a high rank among the villagers.
One quarter of the gold coins were used to build a new school for the children, and the rest was divided among the village to help improve their lives. Peter continued to fly and explore new places, always scanning the skies with his trusty radar. The end.
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