Sally's Train Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally who loved to explore. One day, she stumbled upon a train station and made her way inside. She saw a train on the tracks that was hauling tanker cars filled with liquid. Sally noticed that the stem of one of the tanker cars was leaking and she knew she had to do something to help.

So, she quickly grabbed a swab from the nearby supply room and did her best to clean up the spill. The tanker car started to fill with water and Sally could see it was starting to swell. She ran to the stern of the train to find the conductor, who was shocked by what he saw.

Together, they quickly worked to transfer the liquid into a tincan before it caused any more damage. The conductor was so impressed with Sally's quick thinking, he offered to take her on a ride on the train. They chugged along the track, passing by rolling hills and bubbling streams, stopping at different stations to pick up and drop off passengers.

After a while, they returned back to the station where Sally started her adventure. She felt proud of herself for helping out in a difficult situation and couldn't wait to tell her friends all about her exciting day. The end.


  1. What was the problem Sally faced at the train station?
  2. What did Sally use to clean up the leak from the tanker car?
  3. How did Sally and the conductor solve the problem with the tanker car?
  4. What did the conductor do for Sally at the end of the story?
  5. Can you think of other ways Sally could have solved the problem with the leaking tanker car?

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