MIDI's Musical Adventure with Modulation.

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named MIDI. He loved to sing and make music using his microphone. But one day, he realized that his songs were always sounding the same, no matter how hard he tried to change them up.

So, he went to his wise friend, the Modulation Wizard, for help. The wizard taught MIDI about modulation, and how it could be used to add variety and interest to his songs.

Excited to try out his new knowledge, MIDI plugged his microphone into the wizard's machine and began to sing. To his surprise, his voice was transformed into a rich, full sound that filled the room. He had gone from singing in mono to singing in stereo!

From that day on, MIDI was never short of musical ideas, and he would always use modulation to make his songs even more special.

The end.


  1. What did MIDI want to do with his microphone?
  2. Who did MIDI go to for help with his songs?
  3. What did the Modulation Wizard teach MIDI about?
  4. How did MIDI’s songs change after he learned about modulation?
  5. What was the name of the machine that MIDI used with his microphone?

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