The Adventures of Wavey: A Lesson in the Secrets of Waves

Once upon a time, there was a little wave named Wavey. Wavey loved to travel far and wide, carrying energy from one place to another. One day, Wavey met a wise old sage who taught him about the secrets of waves.

Wavey learned that every wave has an amplitude, which is how tall it is, and a frequency, which is how many times it repeats in a given period of time. The period is the amount of time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave. The wavelength is the distance between two peaks of the wave.

The sage also taught Wavey about hertz, which is the unit of measurement for frequency. One hertz means one cycle per second. Wavey was fascinated by the crests and troughs of the waves, and the sage explained that these are the high and low points of the wave.

As Wavey traveled along, he noticed that sometimes other waves would shift or change their phase. This meant that they were starting at a different point in their cycle, but still repeating at the same frequency.

Wavey was now a wise wave, and he used his newfound knowledge to help other waves understand the mysteries of their existence. And they all lived happily ever after, carrying energy and spreading joy throughout the world.


  1. What is amplitude and why is it important for a wave?
  2. How does frequency relate to the period of a wave?
  3. Can you explain what a wavelength is and how it is measured?
  4. How does the phase of a wave affect its movement?
  5. What does hertz measure and why is it an important unit for waves?

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