The Power of Ideation: A Goldbricker's Tale

Once upon a time, there was a man named Goldbricker who loved to play hardball. He was always looking for new ideas to improve his game. One day, he met an infomediary who told him about the importance of ideation in sports. The infomediary explained that having a good idea was imperative to making improvements on the field.
Goldbricker took this information to heart and started practicing ideation every day. He thought of new strategies and ways to stay ahead of his opponents. Before long, he became known as one of the best players in the league. Everyone wanted to know his secret, and Goldbricker happily shared his newfound knowledge about the power of ideation.
The end.


  1. What is Goldbricker's favorite game?
  2. Who helped Goldbricker understand the importance of ideation?
  3. What did Goldbricker do to improve his game?
  4. How did Goldbricker become known as one of the best players in the league?
  5. Why do you think the infomediary was helpful to Goldbricker?

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