Title: "The Turntable Transmitter: A Spot's Adventure

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived a stager named Spot. He was in charge of putting on the best shows for the king and his subjects. One day, the king asked Spot to create a simulcast show that would be broadcasted all over the kingdom using a powerful transmitter. Spot was excited to take on this challenge.

He gathered his team of sweepers, who cleaned up the stage before each performance, and a group of talented turntable spinners. They worked hard to create a teaser for the show, which would entice the audience to tune in.

On the day of the simulcast, Spot and his team were ready. The transmitter was set up, the turntables were spinning, and the stage was ready for the big performance. However, just as the show was about to start, a wicked sorcerer cast a spell that caused the transmitter to malfunction. The show was in danger of being cancelled!

Spot knew he had to think fast. He came up with a plan to use the turntables as a makeshift transmitter. The turntables would send out the sound waves and reach every corner of the kingdom. He quickly explained the plan to his team and they got to work.

The show started and the audience was amazed by the beautiful sights and sounds. They had no idea that the sound was being transmitted through the turntables. When the show was over, the king was so impressed that he gave Spot the highest honor in the kingdom – the royal sting.

From that day on, Spot was known as the greatest stager in the kingdom and his simulcast show was remembered as one of the best. The wicked sorcerer was never seen again, and the kingdom lived happily ever after.


  1. Who is Spot and what does he do?
  2. What was the challenge that Spot faced during the simulcast show?
  3. How did Spot and his team save the show?
  4. What was the reward that Spot received from the king?
  5. Can you think of a different way Spot could have solved the transmitter problem?

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