Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there lived seven friends named Ampere, Calorie, Candela, Coulomb, Decibel, Farad, and Gram. They all had special powers related to electricity and measurement of energy.
One day, they were summoned by the king to help him solve a problem. The king's castle was not getting enough light and he needed their help to fix it.
Ampere used his magic to increase the flow of electric current, Calorie added energy to the circuits, Candela brightened the light bulbs with her power of luminous intensity, Coulomb helped charge the batteries, Decibel measured the sound levels, Farad stored the energy, and Gram weighed the materials.
Together, they worked as a team and solved the problem. The castle was now filled with light and the king was very happy.
From that day on, the seven friends were known as the heroes of the kingdom and were respected for their knowledge and skills.
The end.
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