Lily's Global Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a big city. She always dreamed of traveling to different continents and meeting new people. One day, she received a confirmation letter inviting her to attend a conference in another country. Excited, she went to the consulate to get her passport and visa sorted.

During the conference, Lily met children from all over the world and learned about their culture and traditions. She even made new friends from different continents! She was amazed by how different and yet similar everyone was.

The conference was a great success, and Lily returned home with a newfound appreciation for the world and its diverse communities. She couldn't wait to plan her next adventure and explore more of the world's amazing continents.

The end.


  1. Who is Lily and where does she live?
  2. What was the conference about?
  3. What did Lily learn from the children she met at the conference?
  4. How does Lily feel about her experience at the conference?
  5. What would you like to learn or experience if you attend a conference like Lily?

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