The Four Best Friends and Their Treasure Hunt Adventure

Once upon a time, there lived four best friends in a small village - Harrier the eagle, Hound the dog, Husky the wolf, and Maltese the poodle. They loved to play and explore the countryside together.
One day, they came across a lost treasure and decided to go on an adventure to find it. Harrier flew high up in the sky to look for clues, while Hound used his keen sense of smell to track down the scent. Husky dug through the ground with his strong paws, and Maltese used her cute bark to cheer them on.
Together, they overcame every obstacle and finally found the treasure. They were so happy and proud of themselves for working as a team. From that day on, they continued to have many more adventures, always sticking together and helping each other out. The end.


  • Who are the four friends in the story?
  • What did each friend do to help find the treasure?
  • Why was it important that they worked together as a team?
  • Have you ever gone on an adventure with your friends?
  • What did you learn from the story about teamwork and friendship?

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