The Forest Friends' Race Adventure

Once upon a time, there were 8 best friends who lived in the forest. They were Beagle, Borzoi, Boxer, Collie, Corgie, Dachshund, Dingo, and Feist. Each day they would go on an adventure together, discovering new things and having lots of fun.

One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. Beagle, being the fastest runner, was confident he would win. But as the race began, Dingo had a surprise up his sleeve and took the lead. The other friends were amazed at how fast Dingo was running.

Just when Dingo thought he had won, Corgie came from behind and jumped over him, winning the race. The friends all cheered for Corgie, who was the unexpected hero of the day.

From that day on, they learned to always look beyond appearances and that anyone can be a winner, no matter their size or speed. And they continued to have many more adventures together, each one filled with laughter and friendship.


  1. Who won the race in the end?
  2. What did the friends learn from the race?
  3. Which animal was the fastest runner before the race started?
  4. Why was Corgie considered an unexpected hero?
  5. How did the friends feel after the race was over?

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