The Friendship Race

Once upon a time, there lived 4 dogs- Spitz, Terrier, Westie and Whippet. They all lived in the same village and were the best of friends. They loved to play together and go on adventures. One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. Spitz was quick and nimble, Terrier was strong and brave, Westie was smart and clever, and Whippet was sleek and graceful. The race was fierce but in the end, Whippet won. They all cheered and hugged each other, happy that they could play and have fun together no matter who won. And they lived happily ever after.


  1. Who won the race in the story?
  2. Why were the dogs happy even though one of them won?
  3. Can you name the four dogs in the story?
  4. What makes each dog special?
  5. Do you think the dogs would have still been friends if the race had turned out differently?

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