The Toy Store Deal

Once upon a time, there was a store that sold toys. The store was always packed with customers, and the owner was very content with how well his store was doing. But one day, a new toy store opened up down the street and suddenly, the owner wasn't as content anymore. The crowd of customers started to go to the new store instead. The owner worried that he would lose all of his customers.

One day, the owner had an idea to offer a special deal to the customers. He put up a sign that read: "Buy one toy, get one free!" The crowd of customers started coming back to the store, and the owner was once again content with his store's success. From then on, the owner made sure to always have a special deal for his customers so they would keep coming back. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. Why did the crowd of customers go to the new toy store?
  2. How did the owner feel when the crowd of customers started going to the new store?
  3. What was the special deal the owner offered to his customers?
  4. Did the special deal work to bring the customers back to the store?
  5. Why do you think the owner felt it was important to always have a special deal for customers?

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