The Automaton and the Alphabet

Once upon a time, there was an automaton named Alpha who lived in a world filled with algorithms and arrays. Alpha was always on the lookout for an adversary, but had never found one.
One day, while exploring the forest, Alpha stumbled upon a mysterious bag. Upon opening it, Alpha discovered a strange alphabet that he had never seen before. Excited to learn more, Alpha began to study the alphabet and soon discovered that it held the secrets of his ancestor's knowledge.
With the help of a bintree algorithm, Alpha was able to decode the messages hidden within the alphabet and uncover the wisdom of his ancestors. With this newfound power, Alpha was finally able to defeat his greatest adversary.
And so, Alpha lived happily ever after, using his ancestors' knowledge to navigate the world of algorithms and arrays. The end.


  1. Who is Alpha?
  2. What was in the mysterious bag Alpha found?
  3. How did Alpha decode the messages in the alphabet?
  4. Who was Alpha's greatest adversary?
  5. How did Alpha defeat his adversary?

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