The Trie's Tail-Wagging Triumph: A Forest Friendship Tale

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who lived in the forest. They loved to play games and have fun together. One day, they decided to have a tournament to see who was the best at climbing trees. Each animal picked a tree and started to climb.

The squirrel was very fast, but he kept slipping and falling because his tail was too long. The bird was very light, so she flew up to the top easily, but she couldn't hold on tight enough to win. The raccoon was very strong, but he got tired quickly and had to rest.

In the end, it was the trie who won the tournament. He was not the fastest or the strongest, but he had a secret weapon. He used his weight to balance himself and his vertex to cling onto the branches. He climbed up the tree steadily and confidently, without slipping or getting tired. He reached the top and proudly waved his tail from the window of the tree.

The other animals were amazed and asked the trie how he did it. The trie explained that he was part of a union of animals who learned to work together and support each other. By helping each other, they became better and stronger as a group.

The other animals were inspired and they formed their own union. From then on, they had many more tournaments and adventures together, always learning and growing as a team. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What does the trie use to win the tree-climbing tournament?
  2. How does the trie climb the tree?
  3. What is the secret weapon of the trie?
  4. Why did the other animals form a union?
  5. What did the other animals learn from the trie?

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