The Fruit Princess and the Magic Tree

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a little girl named Lila. She lived in a small village surrounded by lush green trees and gardens. One day, while exploring the forests, she stumbled upon a magical tree. The tree was loaded with citrus fruits, coconuts, dates, and figs.

Lila was amazed by the sight of so many delicious fruits and decided to climb the tree to pick some. She picked the juiciest citrus fruits and the sweetest coconuts, the softest dates and the plumpest figs. She enjoyed the feast, feeling grateful for the magical tree and its generous gifts.

From that day on, every day, Lila would go to the magical tree and pick fruits for her family and friends. She also shared the story of the magical tree with everyone in the village, and soon everyone was going to the tree to pick fruits for themselves.

The magical tree brought joy and happiness to everyone in the village, and Lila became known as the "Fruit Princess". She lived a happy life, surrounded by the love and gratitude of her friends and family, and the sweetness of the fruits from the magical tree.

And that is the story of the Fruit Princess and the magical tree, a story of gratitude, kindness, and the joy of sharing.


  1. What did Lila find in the forest?
  2. Why was everyone in the village happy?
  3. Why did Lila become known as the "Fruit Princess"?
  4. How did Lila feel about the magical tree?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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