Fruit Picnic with a Little Birdie

Once upon a time in a fruit garden, there lived 4 fruits named Nectarine, Orange, Papaya and Peach. They were all good friends and loved to play together. One day, they decided to have a picnic. Nectarine brought a basket of juicy nectarines, Orange brought a basket of sweet oranges, Papaya brought a basket of ripe papayas and Peach brought a basket of fresh peaches. They sat under a big tree and enjoyed their picnic. As they were eating, they noticed that a little bird was watching them. The fruits invited the bird to join them, and the bird gratefully accepted. They all had a happy time together, sharing their fruits and playing games. From that day on, the fruits and the bird became even better friends and had many more fun picnics together. The end.


  1. Who are the four friends in the story?
  2. What did each fruit bring to the picnic?
  3. Who joined the fruits for the picnic?
  4. How did the fruits and the bird become friends?
  5. What did they do during the picnic?

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