The Fruits of Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a fruit garden in the land of sweets. All the fruits lived happily together and helped each other to grow big and sweet. One day, the grape asked the guava, "Why are we all different colors?" Guava replied, "Because God wanted us to be unique, like our flavors." The kiwi said, "I agree, each one of us is special in our own way."

The lemon and the lime were best friends. They loved to play hide and seek in the garden. One day, the mango came to the garden and asked, "Can I play with you guys?" Lemon and Lime said, "Sure!" and they all had so much fun playing together.

The melon was very shy, but he loved to listen to stories. The mulberry was a great storyteller, and she would always tell the melon and the other fruits about her adventures.

One day, a storm came and destroyed the garden. The fruits were scared and didn't know what to do. But then, they realized that they could help each other rebuild the garden. They worked together and soon the garden was even more beautiful than before.

From that day on, the fruits learned to appreciate their differences and to help each other. They lived happily ever after in the land of sweets.

The end.


-What did the grape ask the guava?
-Why were lemon and lime best friends?
-What did the fruits do after the storm?
-Why did the mulberry tell stories to the melon?
-What did the fruits learn from each other?

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