The Shape Race: A Story of Friendship and Appreciation

Once upon a time there was a magical world where shapes lived. The square and the sphere were best friends, but they were always arguing about which one was better. One day, they decided to have a race to see who was faster. The square was confident because it could slide easily, but the sphere thought it could roll faster.

As they started the race, they suddenly realized that they were on a surface that was not flat. It was made of many different shapes, like rhombus and secants. The square started sliding, but it got stuck on the secant. The sphere, on the other hand, was rolling smoothly, despite the bumps and curves.

The resultant of the race was that the sphere won by a mile! The square was upset at first, but then it realized that each shape had its own strengths and weaknesses. They hugged and became best friends again, realizing that it didn't matter who won the race, as long as they had fun and worked together.

From that day on, every shape in the magical world was proud of what it could do, whether it was sliding like a square or rolling like a sphere. And that is the story of how the shapes learned to appreciate each other's differences.


  1. Who won the race and why?
  2. How did the square and sphere become friends again?
  3. What did the shapes in the magical world learn from the race?
  4. What are some strengths and weaknesses of squares and spheres?
  5. Can you think of other shapes that have different strengths and weaknesses?

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