The Brave Defenders and the Clever Archer

Once upon a time, there was a small kingdom surrounded by high walls. A wicked army tried to invade it, but the brave soldiers used their bayonets to defend their land and set up a blockade to keep the enemy out. The soldiers stood firm, blocking the breach in the wall with their bodies. Suddenly, a young archer appeared with a bow in her hand. She shot arrows at the enemy, forcing them to retreat. The kingdom was safe once again, and the people cheered for the bravery of the soldiers and the clever archer. The end.


  1. What did the soldiers use to defend the kingdom?
  2. Who shot arrows at the enemy to make them retreat?
  3. Why was the kingdom surrounded by high walls?
  4. Who cheered for the bravery of the soldiers and the archer at the end?
  5. Why was the blockade set up to keep the enemy out?

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