The Battle for the Bastion: A Tale of Ambush and Alignment

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom that was protected by a strong bastion. The bastion had a battery of powerful artillery that could unleash a barrage of fire on any enemy that tried to attack.
One day, the kingdom received news of an ambush planned by an evil force. The king ordered the alignment of all the artillery to face the expected direction of the enemy's approach.
As the enemy approached, the battery fired a barrage of shots, but to their surprise, the enemy had brought along with them a powerful axe that could cut through anything in its path.
The axe quickly destroyed the artillery and the bastion was left vulnerable. The king realized that they needed a new plan to protect the kingdom and decided to build a new base, one that was even stronger than the previous bastion.
The new base was built and the kingdom was safe once again. From that day on, the king made sure to always be prepared for any potential ambushes.


  1. Why did the king order the alignment of the artillery?
  2. What surprised the battery about the enemy's ambush?
  3. How did the king make sure the kingdom was safe after the bastion was destroyed?
  4. Why was it important for the new base to be stronger than the previous bastion?
  5. Why do you think the king decided to always be prepared for any potential ambushes?

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