Defilade's Directive

Once upon a time, there was a small town called Cordon. The town was surrounded by high walls to keep it safe from harm. One day, the town received a directive from the king to cover all windows and doors with thick curtains. The townspeople followed the directive but soon realized that they couldn't see outside anymore. They felt trapped and scared.

One brave little girl named Defilade came up with a plan. She convinced the townspeople to build small lookout towers at strategic points along the walls. That way, they could still see outside and keep their town safe. The townspeople followed her plan and soon the town of Cordon was once again a happy and secure place to live.

The end.


  1. Why did the town of Cordon receive a directive from the king?
  2. How did Defilade help the townspeople feel safe again?
  3. How did the townspeople react to Defilade's plan?
  4. What did the townspeople build to keep their town safe?
  5. Why do you think it was important for the townspeople to still be able to see outside?

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