The Brave Soldier Jack and the Fortress Rescue

Once upon a time, there was a young soldier named Jack who was part of the infantry. His job was to protect a fortress from enemy attacks. One day, while on guard duty at the front of the fortress, Jack heard a loud noise. He quickly realized that it was a grenade! Jack bravely ran towards the grenade to throw it away from the fortress.

Just then, a wise guide appeared and handed Jack a halbert and a gun. The guide told Jack to use the halbert to deflect the grenade and the gun to shoot it far away from the fortress, ensuring the safety of his comrades.

With the guidance of the wise guide, Jack successfully deflected the grenade with his halbert and shot it with his gun, saving the fortress from any harm. The head of the infantry praised Jack for his bravery and quick thinking.

From that day on, Jack was known as the hero of the fortress and was respected by all the soldiers. The end.


  1. What was Jack's job as part of the infantry?
  2. How did Jack save the fortress from the grenade attack?
  3. Who helped Jack during the rescue mission?
  4. How did Jack become known as a hero of the fortress?
  5. Can you think of a time when you showed bravery like Jack?

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