The Brave Knight and the Surrendering Sword

Once upon a time, there was a brave knight named Sir Lance who lived in a kingdom far, far away. He was known for his great courage and his shining sword. One day, the kingdom was attacked by a powerful army.
Sir Lance rode to the front lines on his trusty tank to face the enemy. The battle was fierce, with both sides fighting fiercely in the trenches. Despite their bravery, the kingdom's forces were losing the battle.
Just when all hope seemed lost, Sir Lance had an idea. He rode his tank to the enemy's stronghold and challenged their leader to a duel. The leader accepted, and the two fought with all their might.
In the end, Sir Lance emerged victorious and the enemy surrendered. Sir Lance offered them a chance to withdraw peacefully, but they refused and instead sent a torpedo towards him.
But Sir Lance was not easily defeated. With one swift swing of his sword, he deflected the torpedo and saved his kingdom from destruction. From that day on, Sir Lance was known as the greatest hero of the kingdom and all who heard of his bravery were inspired.


  1. Why do you think Sir Lance rode to the front lines on his tank?
  2. How did Sir Lance defeat the enemy leader in the duel?
  3. Why do you think the enemy refused to withdraw peacefully?
  4. What do you think would have happened if Sir Lance had not deflected the torpedo?
  5. Why do you think Sir Lance is known as the greatest hero of the kingdom?

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