The Musical Kingdom's Grand Concert

Once upon a time, there was a musical kingdom where every instrument had a special role. The flute played sweet melodies, the gong announced important events, the guitar strummed lively tunes, and the harp plucked gentle songs. One day, the king declared a grand concert to show off the talents of each instrument. The flute danced with the notes, the gong boomed with pride, the guitar strummed a fast beat, and the harp sang a soft lullaby. The concert was a huge success, and the instruments all lived happily ever after, playing beautiful music together.


  1. What role did each instrument play in the musical kingdom?
  2. How did the concert go?
  3. How did the instruments feel about the concert's success?
  4. Imagine you were there, what was your favorite part of the concert?
  5. Can you think of any other instruments that could have been in the concert?

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