The Musical Kingdom Competition

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom full of musical instruments. The horn, marimba, oboe, piano, piccolo, sax, snare and string instruments all lived together in harmony. They loved to play music and make beautiful sounds for the kingdom.
One day, the king announced a grand musical competition. Each instrument would play its best tune, and the winner would receive a special prize.
The horn started first, with its deep and powerful sound. The marimba followed, with its bright and cheerful melody. The oboe played a smooth and elegant tune. The piano showed off its versatility with a fast and intricate piece. The piccolo played a high and cheerful tune. The sax wowed everyone with its soulful and bluesy sound. The snare drum kept the beat steady and strong. And finally, the string instruments played a beautiful symphony that brought tears to everyone's eyes.
In the end, the king declared that they were all winners, for each instrument had played its part in creating a wonderful concert. And so, the instruments continued to live in harmony and make beautiful music together, always bringing joy to the kingdom.


  1. Which instrument do you think played the best tune?
  2. What do you think the special prize was?
  3. How did the instruments feel about playing together at the competition?
  4. How would you describe the sound of each instrument?
  5. What do you think the string instruments played in the end?

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