The Magic of Music: A Tale of Friends and Harmony

Once upon a time, there was a magical land where musical instruments had their own personalities. The trumpet was loud and proud, the tuba was big and strong, the vibes were cool and groovy, the viola was deep and soulful, the violin was graceful and elegant, and the xylophone was playful and cheerful. They all lived in harmony, playing music together every day. But one day, a wicked witch cast a spell that made all the instruments bicker and argue, causing them to stop playing together. Can they work together again to break the spell and bring back the music? Find out in this exciting tale of friendship and music.


  1. What was the spell cast by the wicked witch?
  2. How did the musical instruments change after the spell was cast?
  3. Which instrument was loud and proud?
  4. How did the instruments work together to break the spell and bring back the music?
  5. What did the musical instruments learn about friendship and harmony?

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