The Sound Technician's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a sound technician named Spec who worked on a movie set. He was in charge of making sure all the sounds were perfect for each scene. One day, he was asked to work on an action movie with high speed car chases and explosions.

He met with the stunt supervisor to go over the storyboard and make sure all the sound effects were in place. During the test run, they noticed a squib (a small explosive device) wasn't working properly. Spec quickly fixed it and they were ready to go.

When it was time for filming, the wardrobe department brought out the stock costumes for the actors. Spec was in charge of placing microphones on them to capture their dialogue. The synopsis of the movie was about a group of heroes who had to save the world from evil villains.

After a long day of filming, Spec was proud of his work and couldn't wait to see the final product. The movie was a huge success, and everyone praised Spec for his amazing sound effects. From that day on, Spec was known as the best sound technician in the business. The end.


  1. What was Spec's job on the movie set?
  2. What happened during the test run of the movie?
  3. Who was in charge of placing microphones on the actors?
  4. What was the synopsis of the movie about?
  5. How did Spec become known as the best sound technician in the business?

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