The Great Bird Race

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a group of birds. There was an Albatross, an Avocet, a Budgie, a Canary, a Chickadee, a Chicken, and a Cockatiel. They all lived together in a big tree and were the best of friends.
One day, the Albatross suggested they have a race to see who was the fastest bird. The others agreed, and they all lined up at the starting line. The Albatross took off and flew high into the sky. The Avocet waddled as fast as it could, and the Budgie flapped its wings hard. The Canary chirped as it flew, and the Chickadee hopped along. The Chicken ran as fast as it could, and the Cockatiel twittered as it flew.
After much effort, the Albatross crossed the finish line first, but all the birds cheered for each other, for they were just happy to be together. They learned that it doesn't matter who wins or loses, as long as they have fun and support each other.
From that day on, they continued to have races and adventures, always sticking together and having a good time. The end.


  1. Who won the race in the story?
  2. Why was the Albatross the first to cross the finish line?
  3. What did the birds learn from the race?
  4. Why were the birds happy even if they didn't win the race?
  5. How could the birds have made the race more fun for everyone?

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