Friends in the Forest: A Tale of Kindness and Friendship

Once upon a time in a forest, there lived many birds. One of them was a cuckoo who had a beautiful voice. Every morning, the cuckoo would sing and wake up all the other birds. The darter, dove, and duck lived near a pond and loved to swim and play. One day, an eagle flew into the forest and spotted the ducks swimming in the pond. He wanted to catch one for his breakfast. But, a falcon appeared and chased the eagle away. The ducks were very grateful and thanked the falcon. The finches flocked around and sang a song to show their appreciation. The flamingo, who was visiting the pond, was so pleased with the kindness of the birds that she decided to stay. From that day on, the flamingo became friends with the other birds and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  • Who were the main characters in the story?
  • What did the cuckoo do every morning?
  • Why did the eagle want to catch one of the ducks?
  • Who chased the eagle away?
  • How did the flamingo show her appreciation for the other birds?
  • How did all the birds feel at the end of the story?

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