Martin the Magpie's Adventure with the Ostrich

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a magpie named Martin. Martin was a curious bird and loved to fly around the forest exploring new things. One day, while flying over a lake, he saw an osprey diving into the water to catch a fish. Martin was amazed and decided to try it too. However, every time he tried to dive into the water, he would crash-land and get wet.

One day, Martin met an ostrich and asked for help. The ostrich suggested that Martin should practice diving with small jumps into shallow water. Martin followed the advice and soon became an expert at diving into the water like an osprey.

Martin and the ostrich became good friends and had many adventures in the forest together. They would hunt for bugs, chase after rabbits, and play hide and seek. Martin was so happy that he had found a friend who shared his love of adventure and exploration.

And so, Martin and the ostrich lived happily ever after, exploring the beautiful forest and discovering new things every day. The end.


  1. What was Martin's goal in the story?
  2. Why was Martin having trouble diving into the water?
  3. How did Martin and the ostrich become friends?
  4. What kind of adventures did Martin and the ostrich have together?
  5. What did Martin learn from his experiences in the story?

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