The Bird Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time in a magical forest, there lived many different birds. One day, an owl named Hoot decided to throw a picnic for all his bird friends. He invited the parakeet, parrot, pelican, penguin, pigeon, pintail and puffin. They all gathered in a beautiful meadow filled with fresh fruits and seeds. They played games, sang songs and told stories. The parakeet showed off her colorful feathers, the parrot told jokes, the pelican showed off his big beak, the penguin slid on his belly, the pigeon cooed a lullaby, the pintail danced gracefully and the puffin flapped his wings. They all had a great time and realized that despite their differences, they could all have fun together. The sun started to set and the birds said their goodbyes, promising to have another picnic soon. And so, they all flew off into the night sky, happy and full of laughter.


  1. What kind of birds were invited to the picnic?
  2. What did each bird do to show off their special talents?
  3. What did the birds learn about each other during the picnic?
  4. How was the picnic fun for all the different kinds of birds?
  5. What did the birds promise to do after the picnic?

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