The Adventures of the Flying Friends

Once upon a time, a group of birds decided to take a trip around the world. The stork, swallow, swift, tanager, thrush, toucan, turkey, vulture, and warbler all took off on their journey. They flew over mountains, oceans, and forests, always stopping to rest and admire the beauty of each new place they visited.

Along the way, the toucan brightened the group's spirits with his cheerful songs and the swift kept them entertained with his acrobatics. The vulture helped them find food and the warbler sang sweet melodies.

One day, they stumbled upon a lush green valley filled with fruit trees. The turkey was so happy that he started a dance and soon, all the birds joined in. They feasted on the fruit and rested in the sun, soaking up the warm rays.

As the journey continued, the stork became the leader of the group, guiding them safely through the skies. They made new friends and had amazing adventures, but no matter where they went, they always remembered the special bond they formed in that peaceful valley.

And so, the birds continued to fly and explore, never forgetting the memories they made together on their journey around the world.


  1. What kind of adventures did the birds go on during their journey?
  2. Who became the leader of the group and why?
  3. What special bond did the birds form during their journey?
  4. Which bird do you think had the most fun on the trip and why?
  5. If you could join the birds on their journey, where would you like to go first and why?

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