The Secret Garden: A Story of Beauty in Nature

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily who loved to explore her neighborhood. One day, while walking along the asphalt road, she came across an old arbor in the park. It was surrounded by a beautiful balustrade with intricate carvings.

Curious, she climbed up the stairs and sat on a beam to rest. While she was sitting there, she noticed a group of birds building their nests in the branches of the arbor. Emily watched as they worked together to make their home, chirping and singing happily.

She realized that even though the world around her was made of asphalt and concrete, there were still places like the arbor where nature could thrive. From that day forward, whenever she felt overwhelmed, she would go and sit in the arbor, surrounded by the beauty and peace of the birds and the trees.

The end.


  1. Where did Emily find the arbor?
  2. What did Emily notice about the birds in the arbor?
  3. How did the arbor make Emily feel?
  4. Why is it important to have places like the arbor in our cities?
  5. What can we learn from Emily's experience?

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