The Strongest House in the Village

Once upon a time, there was a small village where all the houses were built with strong footing, sturdy frames and had fuses to prevent fires. One day, a storm hit the village and it was so strong that it knocked down many of the houses. But one house stood tall, it was a house built with the strongest footing, frame and fuse. It had a gable roof that protected the house from the rain and wind. All the villagers were amazed and they asked the owner of the house how he had built such a strong house. The owner smiled and said, "I made sure to use the best materials for the footing, frame and fuse, and added a gable roof to protect it from the elements." From then on, all the villagers followed the owner's example and built strong houses like his. And they lived happily ever after.


  1. What made the house in the story different from the other houses in the village?
  2. Why did the villagers admire the owner of the strong house?
  3. How did the owner make sure his house was strong and protected from the storm?
  4. Do you think having a strong house is important? Why or why not?

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