Filler the Brave Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a little dragon named Filler who lived in a castle made of flagstones. One day, while Filler was playing with his friends, he accidentally breathed fire and set the castle on fire! Filler was very worried and didn’t know what to do. But then he remembered that the castle had been built with firestop fittings and fixtures to protect against fires.
Filler quickly ran to find the flashing and realized that the flue was clogged. He used his claws to remove the blockage and the fire was put out. To show his appreciation, the king of the castle gave Filler a flitch made of solid gold as a reward for saving the castle. From that day on, Filler was known as the bravest dragon in all the land. The End.


  1. What did Filler do to put out the fire in the castle?
  2. Why was Filler worried when he saw the castle on fire?
  3. What did the king give Filler as a reward?
  4. How did Filler become known as the bravest dragon in all the land?

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